Sid-Priya Christian Wedding, July 5th, 2008


The wedding concluded on the 5th with a traditional Christian wedding service at the beautiful Myres Park in McKinney. Priya was looking absolutely gorgeous in the white wedding gown and the couple looked made for each other. Sid's brother Vivek had everyone laughing with this funny first toast and the couples friends sang beautiful numbers for them.

For a complete set of images, please click on the "Client Photos" link at the top of the blog to access my Client site.

Sid-Priya Hindu Wedding, July 4th, 2008


The Hindu wedding was a performed at the Temple in Irving on 4th of July morning. The temple priest did the customary ritual which was followed by a sumptuous meal. A small gathering of friends and family joined the couple to offer their blessings and well wishes.

Here are few of the pictures taken during the wedding. A complete set of photos can be viewed at

Sid-Priya Sangeet Nite, July 3rd, 2008


The wedding got a kick start with Sangeet Nite which comprised of Songs, Dance and Henna. It was hosted at Swathi & Dnyanesh Shirlai's. The highlight of the evening was non stop dances by Sid's niece "Kirti" and singing, dancing and a skit by his friends who go by the name "Pandemonium Gang".

Below are a few pictures from that evening. For a complete set of photos, visit and click on Client Login.

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