
This week we all witnessed history and I was happy my guy won. I have been following him ever since he gave the speech in the 2004 Democratic Convention. But for this history to happen there had to be whole lot of Luck By Chance that had to happen. Please, dont get me wrong I give full credit to our New President for the Audacity of Hope and the Positiveness that he brought with him.

The reason I wanted to write this article was not to talk about Obama but the Photographer who followed him for more than 2 years covering his Presidential Campaign every single Day. Her name is Scout Tufankjian. She had my dream assignment covering the most amazing person and his campaign. I only did it for one day when he was here in Fort Worth, Texas, but I couldn't stop talking about my experience for months. The energy, the people and the experience I had, was simply out of this world. I wish I could do it for a lot longer. I wish I could get her assignment.

She followed Obama from Dec. 2006 till he got elected in Nov2008, that is 2 freaking years. I am so jealous of you - Scout.
She has assimilated photographs from that 2 year journey into a wonderful book "YES WE CAN". I would highly recommend all you die hard Obama fans.


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