Dogs are like babies


It sounds funny, but Dogs are like babies. I realized, after Bella was in my life for a while. She was the first dog in my life; she was just 7 weeks old when we got her home. She had to be taken care like parents take care of babies.

I had a few friends who had babies around the same time and when we met, they used to talk about their babies little things. I curiously listened to the stories and found it amazing to see the similarity between a little baby and Bella. They both have to be potty trained, they both need quite a bit of attention, they always want to play with their toys, they like to cuddle up with their toys when they sleep and they show off all their toys when guests show up and the list goes on.

There is of course one thing which is not common. Dogs never grow out of their age, they always love you the same no matter what and they are always there for you.


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