Anjali's Bharatanatya Arangetram


It is always exhilarating to see an artist perform an Arangetram but it gives utmost pleasure and personal satisfaction when it is your dear friend. That's what happened to me, when I was given the assignment to photograph Anjali's Arangetram. If you know Anjali personally, then you would agree with me how funny, resilient and multi-talented she is. All this was on full display on-stage and off-stage.
Despite all odds, like down with fever a few days before her big day and Shalini(her Guru & sister) loosing her voice . She gave a superlative performance at the Irving Arts Center on Aug. 9th, 2009.

Here are a few images from her show.

For a complete set of images, please click on the "Client Photos" link at the top of the blog to access my Client site.


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