Special kids in a Special place


Fundacion Integrar was a very humbling experience. Photographing kids with mental disabilities has made me appreciate life in a whole new way and increased my respect to people who take care of such kids. This is a two part story from my stay at the foundation and spending time with Mateo, a special needs kid.

It will be presumptuous and arrogant of me to know the whole story after meager 4 days of shooting at the foundation and even less time at Mateo’s house. It is just a sincere effort to tell a visual story of such an environment and bring awareness to the challenges and care.

Fundacion Integrar:
Fundacion Integrar is a Non Government Organization based in Quito, Ecuador. It serves as a day care center to help kids with mental disabilities. But the foundation is more than a care center, it is a home where they teach them to smile and interact with the outside world. The kids have varying disabilities like Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome and more. The director, Irma Martinez, runs the foundation on the 1st floor of her 2 story house. She started this NGO 12 years back with the help of family and relatives. The Ecuadorian government used to provide a meager $1000 a year grant but they stopped providing 4 years back. It has been harder for Irma to support the organization goals with less money. She has excellent staffs who are experienced Speech and Physical Therapist.

When I was leaving Fundacion Integrar after a hectic week, Mateo lifted his head and gave me a flying kiss. That was the sweetest kiss anyone has ever given me. Mateo Solis, 7 has Cerebral Palsy since birth and comes to the foundation for his therapies. Mateo is a quiet kid and barely interacts at the foundation. But at home, he is a different person. Often smiling, laughing and often playing with his favorite toy “Tigger”. In fact he likes the Tigger so much that he has two of them, the second one is a 3 foot tall which he sleeps with. His little sister Catalina is often next to him, trying to entertain and play with him. Mother Liliana and father Fabricio make every effort to make Mateo’s life as easy as possible with utmost care and dignity. Liliana recalls, because of the countless hours of therapies at the foundation, Mateo can stand and walk by himself.


Jayanth said...

Excellent. Great emotions have been captured as always. Why do these projects miss audio unlike the other ones earlier? In my opinion - the voice made them more personal.


Swati said...

Hi Uday, Great effort on your part to choose photography and your blog to highlight the initiatives of Fundacion Integrar. Loved the content (writeup) as well as the photos & captions. Thanks for sharing!

Raja said...

Heart rendering.

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